Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's the Little Things in Life....

As any Mom would agree....
I absolutely LoVe saying "YES!"
I find great joy when Lane asked me a "Can I do....question" and my answer is "YES!"
And then to see the look (surprise) on his face that I actually said "YES!"
It is absolutely Priceless!!!
Since it seems like I am constantly telling him not to do something, scolding him, or threatening a "Time Out" or worse yet a spankin'!
(And just to let you know, my threats usually become reality)
Sometimes its those little things that we say "YES" to that bring the greatest JoY, SaTiSfAcTiOn, and EnTeRTaiNmENt.
(To Lane and to me!)
I ADoRe watching my little guy enjoy LiFe, and find complete JoY in the "Simple Things!"
Like wearing his Camo Rain Boots on occasion, even in the house!!!
Or sitting at the table, not in his highchair drinking his milk out of his bowl before the Cheerios are even all gone! :)

He may be wearing his Camo Rain Boots in the house, but Mom made sure they were CLeAn!!

My Dear Friend...

The weather was PerFeCt, the scenery was GrEaT, and the family was absolutely BeAuTiFuL!
Aside from photographing Family,
close Friends are the next best thing!
My dear friend, means so much to me, and she has helped me tremendously since I made the move to Ohio!
From planning my wedding,
to helping me adjust to motherhood
(she is such a great Mom, and I have learned so much from her, probably without our her even knowing!)
She always has time to listen, and offer her honest advice!
I truly treasure my friend, and I value our friendship more than words can say!
I admire her in SO many ways!
She is ALWAYS thinking of others,
with Christ's love shining right through her,
she is so giving,
and I am so fortunate to have her in my life and call her My Friend!

An All American Family

Complete with a Family Dog, named Cassie!
(Which did not want to cooperate for the family photo!)
This family is such a sweet bunch - great friends of ours!
And we have truly enjoyed getting to know them better the past couple years!
Our son, Lane just adores Kyle and Megan....
what a great pair to 'look up to!'
And its no wonder the kids are so great,
because their parents are just as wonderful!
They both have hearts of gold!
When we first started going to MCMC (church) this couple always made it a point to say "Hello" and talk with us!
Always so warm and caring!
They made us feel so welcome (Thank you!)
We are so fortunate to have them in our lives,
and call them our friends!

And once again, here's another family,
that I simply got carried away with!
I took entirely too many photos, but I just couldn't resist!
What an extraordinary family....
An All American Family!

So Much LoVe in Such a Little Body

Any Mommy of a 2 year old can REALLY appreciate these sweet times....
the Innocence and Love that we sometimes think they've lost during the "2's!"
I have to say that after the past couple of days that we've had,
I LoVe to focus on these photos of my precious little guy and his
Pure Innocence!
My little 2-year old is very passionate about everything that he does,
whether its smoochin' on Mom & Dad,
or pitchin' a royal fit at Wal-Mart, and getting so worked up that he ends of puking!
(Puking after I had ALL my groceries on the 'runner belt' and preparing for the 'cash out' process!)
We LoVe our little sweetheart, and wouldn't change a thing about him, we just know that we can't do it on our own - We need the Lord's help, and His tools to guide us through this journey!

The Most Beautiful Bouquet of 'Flowers' I've ever received....A bouquet of White Clover!