Thursday, May 20, 2010

Potty Training! - What an experience!!!

I have quickly learned that it takes....
& LoTs oF UnDerWeAr!!!
As a "First Time Potty Trainer" I really wasn't sure how to go about this whole process....
I did NO research,
read NO books,
and honestly, had NO plan!!

I did, however take notes in my head of 'other people's tactics'

-Let them Run Naked

-Stay Outside 24/7

-Throw a Potty Party

-Reward with Candy/Presents

-Make a Chart with Stickers

I have heard positive results from all - so I just kind of 'went with it' and on a whim started this past Monday - out of the blue, basically in the middle of the day, got a wild hair, and decided to begin this adventure!
And YeS, it has been an AdVeNtUrE!
I won't bore you with a descriptive 'play by play' of my past couple days.
But I will share a summary of a few 'funny happenings' that only take place when a 2 year old is involved:

While I was changing Lane out of his WET underwear on the first day - he decided to throw a fit, like only a 2 year old can do....I was unable to get complete control so I plopped him in his timeout "Pac-n-play." After he had calmed down, I bent down to talk to him, and all of the sudden I feel warmth on my stomach through my shirt!!
Lane says with a smirk - "I'm going, Mom. I peed on you. Sunny?" Is that sunny, Mom?"
(Sunny-translated to Funny)
Mommy - "Absolutely Not!! That is not funny!!!!!"
(It was funny, actually it was hilarious!....but he'll never know!)

We were outside working this morning, and all of the sudden Lane was just beside himself, he was so distraught! As my attention went to him, my eyes automatically went down to his shorts - Yup, you guessed it!
Lane - "Mommy, I peed!!"
So I stripped him down and let him continue to go in the grass - like boys like to do!
(young and old, that is!)
I was determined to get caught up on the weeds before we went inside, so I figured I'll do the "naked tactic" So Lane is running around with a shirt, socks and shoes! Very cute, and this photo will most likely surface when he's a Senior!
Well before I knew it, I seen that Lane was "squatted down"
UH-OH....I knew what that meant!!
Instantly, I hear....
"I went stinky"
Oh No!! Right out in front of our house!
So what in the world do I do with this poop?
Dispose of it?
How do I pick it up?
Leave it there, and pretend a dog did it?
Leave it there for Josh, so that he can take care of it when he gets home? :)

So on with my next story....

BTW - I don't mind that you're skim reading! I'm recording these stories for my own sake, so that I can remember how much fun it was to potty train! :) I have yet to understand how there is so much 'fluid' in my little 2 year old's body! Right before lunch, he peed a LoNg StReAm into the toilet, and then 5 minutes later he peed a SMaLL LaKe in his highchair. I am constantly saying to him,

"Lane, you have to try and hold it"

Well, Lane understood that to mean 'hold his bottom' so after our 'LaKe in the highchair" episode he tells me,

"Mah-ahm, I'm holding it"

With his hand down there 'holding his bottom' And then 5 minutes later he says,

"Mah-ahm I'm NOT holding it"

With both hands now on top of his highchair tray!

LOL!!! I LoVe the....
& Spontaneity
of my sweet 2 year old, Lane!

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