The Cake
The Candles
The singing
(which is Lane's favorite part)
The Presents
The Excitement
The Joy
The Surprise
Oh How We LoVe Birthdays!!!!
Especially when they're shared with a Child!
But then there's part of me that's sad....My Baby Boy, is no longer a Baby!
He's 2 Years Old!!!
But I'm so very Thankful that the Lord has entrusted us to raise Lane for His good!
Our Prayer for Lane, is that he will learn to know the Lord at a young age, and he will serve Him with his life - in all he does and all he is!
Thank you, Lord for blessing us with the Gift of Lane....he has brought so much
JoY, LoVe and LaUgHtEr to our home!
Sneaking a bit more CaKe while everyone is in the other room. Mom won't mind because....

It's My BiRtHdAy!!!

My BiRtHdAy CeLeBrAtiOn at Hershberger Farm!! My buddies came, and we fed the animals, then they sang HaPPy BiRtHdAy to Me, and then we got to eat BiRtHdAy CuPcAkEs!!!

BiRtHdAyS ArE sO MuCh FuN!!!!
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