I love a cHiLd'S iMaGiNaTiOn.....
'Horse & Buggy'
Addison and Ryland are the "horses" and Lane is the "Amish Guy?"

We made the most of our time together by watching the kids play(lots of laughs), and then catching up with eachother once we stuck them to bed!!
It's amazing how the distance never breaks a TrUe fRiEnDsHiP.....
During our childhood we were apart for 6 years, no contact, and then Heidi moved back to Florida our 8th grade year!!!
The Best Thing you ever did, Heidi!!!
And now since High School we've been apart again, with occasional visits!
I miss you, Heidi and I truly enjoyed the time spent with you and your kids.....come back soon!
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