I am Blessed to know these hands!
I love the contrast....
One is learning to Live....while the other has Lived!
One will experience so much in life....while the other has basically experienced it all!
One will experience so much in life....while the other has basically experienced it all!
Both are Full of Life!

I have had the pleasure of being Loved by both hands....One of them being my sweet 2 year old son, and the other my precious
92 year old Grandma!
My Grandma is Beautiful, Spunky, Humorous, Determined, Caring, Loving, Precious, and she has a heart of Gold!
I spent many Days/Evenings at her home throughout my childhood, and on up to my adulthood!
I love the way she always had time for me, and she was forever patient with me!
I love the way that she would tease me, and I of course would react, but I always knew that she loved me! She just wanted to be funny!
I love the way she would rub my back "Paddle-Whack" me at night when I would spend the night at her house!
I love the way she would take me to the "Five and Dime" store and we would sit at the counter for breakfast/lunch.
I love the way she taught me this song,
"I Love you a Bushel and a Peck,
a Bushel and a Peck,
and a Hug around the neck!"
And even with me singing it over and over again, I always got the reaction that I was longing for....a tight squeeze from my Grandma, and a great big loving smile to go along with it!
I love the way we would go shopping at Southgate, and we would just laugh-laugh-laugh while we were in the dressing room!
I love the way her and my Step-Grandpa would always "smooch" right before they would go to sleep, just to get a reaction out of me!
I love the way she was at the hospital with me (alot) when I was 4 and had mono.
I love the way she massaged my feet with lotion when they were all "itchy" with hives.
I love the way she made my favorite meal at her home....Tomato Gravy!
I love all her "Grandma" ways, and I hope someday that I can be as good of a Grandma as she has been to me!
I miss her very much, as I now live in Ohio, but I treasure my time with her when I visit Florida.
I love seeing my son, Lane love her just as I do!
I love you, Grandma!!

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