I have been spending time with some great families!!!
So much LoVe surrounding these photo sessions....
I know I've said it before....
but I just love seeing families interact with each other!
And the kids....
Just LoVe them!
They make LiFe so interesting!
For this first session, I was the one making LiFe interesting!
While I was on the ground photographing this CuTe family,
I smelled something TERRIBLE!!
I commented to them,
"someone must be hauling manure somewhere close by!"
But to my surprise, I was part of the stench!!
I had my elbow in a big pile of Dog POOP!!!
And I tell you what, it was a HUGE pile!!!
And it was not only on the sleave of my elbow, but all over my jeans!!!
Well we continued on with the session....
Dog Poop and all! :)
And we got some really great shots of Little Miss Caoilainn and her Mommy & Daddy!
The Yoder Family
This next family could handle at least 3 more kids!!
They both stayed so calm and collected through our whole time together!
They have a beautiful family and I LoVe their kids' personalities!
Meet my good friend, Dr. Spitler and her family!
Too bad she can't prescribe antibiotics!!

Their expressions in this photo are just great!!
Never a dull moment at the Spitler House!
The Persingers
I love how this photo says
but then the barefeet say
Such a Sweet Family!

They are just the sweetest little things!
Little Jorjia is so funny - she likes to see how far I'll go to get her to smile!
But her 'serious' look is too cute!!
The Barkman Family
Surprisingly, with this many people (and a 2 yr old) - Love you, Hudson!!
....this session was easy!
Everyone cooperated very well, and we got a bunch of different combinations!
VERY nice lookin' family!!

LoVe this photo of these adorable kids in Action!!!!