Monday, November 29, 2010

He Isn't....
Slow-Moving, Patient, Careful,
A Health Nut, nor is he afraid of T.V.
But He Is....
Charming, Active, Oh-So Loving, Passionate,
Creative, Affectionate, Hilarious,
Sweet as can be, All-Boy, and PeRfEcT!!!!
I Love my little "big boy"
he makes me Smile and Laugh Every Single Day!
He truly is a blessing to us,
and we are so thankful for him, and his unique personality!
Lane's Buddy, Liam - My camera LoVeS him!!
Those Eyes....That Hair....Such a CuTe LiL' GuY!!!
Don't you just want to hug him,
and squeeze his little cheeks?!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Senior Photos on The Farm

do not go where the path may lead.
go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.....
I love my time with Seniors!
It's a different avenue than what I'm used to,
but I find it almost....relaxing!
I don't have to....
chase after them,
make silly noises,
blow big bubbles with Bubble Gum,
or basically make myself look absolutely ridiculous!!!
For those reasons, I tend to go overboard with the number of shots I take....
But then again, I guess that's not a bad thing!!!
I love the diversity that I experience through photography....
I enjoy the older, mature subjects,
and I adore the sweet, carefree, young, and energetic subjects too!!
Two different adventures....
and I LoVe them both!!!
Stacie was Great!
She is a Beautiful girl with absolutely Fabulous hair!!
We definitely had to work with the windy weather we were having,
but she was very patient,
and we got some great shots on their home farm!
My time at her place was very enjoyable....
Thanks for giving me the opportunity
to capture this exciting phase of your life!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Love this little man!
His SwEEt sMiLe, cHaRm & that 'oH sO CooL' LeAthEr JaCkET.....
just make the cutest combination EvEr!!
He was such a trooper on our 'morning out'....
Giving me those sweet looks that make VeRy cute photos!!

It was more of a 'play-date' in town than a 'session'
I had my 2year old in tow,
(which actually was a help...surprise surprise!!)
Lane would chant loudly,
"Cader Cader on the Gator"
And Cade would react and laugh hysterically....
not sure if he was laughing at what Lane was saying,
or if he was laughing while thinking to himself,
"What in the world is he talking about?"
Either way, it was rather humorous and It Worked!!
Us 'Moms' on the other hand probably were just adding to the hysteria,
because we were laughing & just having a great time
the whole 'play-date' through!!
Such great Friends of Ours!! - Love you guys!!