Tuesday, August 31, 2010

These 2 Cuties are just too funny....
and I assure you that their house is probably never dull!
And really....what house is, if there are boys around?
Little Boys add ExCiTeMeNt and so much sPiCe to LiFe!
We love spending time with Trey and Hudson - Always a great time!
Such Special little guys - We just love them to pieces!!
Oh Boy!!....He's a charmer - So Cute!!!

Absolutely Priceless!!!! I just want to squeeze him!!

That's enough to Melt a Mommy's Heart! In fact, so sweet to melt any heart!

Oh how I love this little guy!
He is so precious, silly, adorable, spunky, active, curious, and
....ALL BOY!
And I know his parents wouldn't change a thing about him....
He is one special little guy!
BOY, noun: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
(I found this quote rather funny, but this little guy is definitely so much more than that!)

While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.

~Angela Schwindt

Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Love

I absolutely LoVe spending time with New Parents....
and their New Love!
I LoVe it because it takes me back to those first 6 months of my husband and I experiencing our New Love with our firstborn!
I LoVeD all the "newness" of our New Life together as a Family!
New Emotions
New Schedules
New Sleeping Patterns
New "Busyness"
New Stress
A New Life to Love
And a New Life for Mommy & Daddy!
My time spent with these two New Families was just wonderful~
I enjoyed every minute of it!!
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a sneak peak into your New Life with your New Love!

Our New Love....Our New Life!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where have the years gone?
I always think of myself as 'young,' and honestly, I really believe that I'm 26!
....not sure why the number is 26, but it is.
I feel like the years from that point on, have just whizzed right by me!
And then I 'hang out' with these kids....
And I instantly feel 'old'
....or my age, I guess!
It's so hard for me to believe that High School is just 'around the corner' for the 2 oldest
(Sorry, Trish)
I had such a fun time with my cousin, Trish and her kids:
The 3 of them were just great - so much fun and so full of ideas!
They were so cooperative and patient that I went completely overboard with the 'picture taking'
I took ENTIRELY too many photos - but I just couldn't resist!
Their personalities shine through, and they are just as Beautiful/Handsome on the inside as they are on the outside!
Thank you for a fun evening!!